Well, thank goodness Walgreens is better than the CVS ad. I was about ready to give up on the drug stores this week and take the chance of running out of shampoo. I am TOTALLY kidding, it will take more than a week for me to run out 🙂
If you have not signed up to get the Walgreens home mailer, you should go do it! When you are in Walgreens ask for the Home Mailer form to fill out with your email address. Then you will get a email from Walgreens, fill that out and you will start getting the Home mailer sent to your home.
There are a few freebies and some items you can price match to Walmart if your store is out of stock! Thanks to SavingWellSpendingLess for the macthups!
So the big deal this week is on butt wipe ( as my 3 year old calls it ) apparently the blue packs of Cottonelle are not working ONLY the purple ones. I posted in the post just before this one, all the info on what this deal is about.