Even more awesome Target deals… How about some Sauve for only $.39?!
Buy 4 Suave Naturals $2.89
Use 2 – $1.50/1 Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Body Lotion & Body Oil Product; – 5-18-14 RP (exp 06/15/14)
Use 2 – $1.00/1 Suave Professionals Product; – 5-18-14 RP (exp 06/15/14)
Pay $6.52
get a $5 gift card
Final price 0.39/each
Tammy says
I’m a little confused. My local ad didn’t advertise the lotion, only the shampoo and conditioner. Is it possible that the lotion is included in this deal, but not advertised. And if so would I be able to use the $1.00/1 Suave Professionals Product; – 5-18-14 RP for a lotion item, even though it shows hair products on the coupon. (but doesn’t specify in words)?