Check out the signs that are posted at every checkout lane in our Target now! I know it’s slightly blurry, but here’s what it says:
To help you save in every way, we accept manufacturer’s coupons.*
*We happily accept one manufacturer’s and one Target coupon per item.
So this is great news for those of you that have had issues with coupon stacking in the past. It seems like Target is really making a concerted effort to better educate their employees on their coupon policies with these signs and the recent posting of their corporate coupon policy online.
Those of you that are newer to my site may be wondering exactly what “coupon stacking” is and why all the fuss about it. Coupon stacking is when a store allows you to use both a manufacturer’s coupon and a store coupon on the same item. When you can pair these coupons with a good sale, the end result is huge savings and/or possibly even free merchandise!
A perfect example is the current Pop-Tarts deal:
Kellogg’s Whole Grain Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts, $1.52
$1/1 Whole Grain Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop-Tarts Target printable
$2/2 Kellogg’s Select Fiber-Added Products, exp. 10-11-09 (RP 8/30/09)
2 FREE after 1 manufacturer and 2 Target coupons!
So you would buy two boxes of Pop-Tarts, use one manufacturer’s coupon (since it’s off two items), and use two Target store coupons. This will make the Pop-Tarts free after all coupons!
Have you found it easier to use coupons at Target lately? What are your tips for getting the best results?