I am never surprised anymore at the places I find my 5th child sleeping. She has even fallen asleep on the top of my husbands head. Don’t believe me? I have the video to prove it. Most small children traditionally take naps, not Storie, she has been too good for those silly little nap things since she was about 6 months old. Instead, she unwillingly falls asleep in the most uncomfortable places and positions possible.
Sleeping Beauty or Sleeping Storie??
I think this might be a blessing for her in the long run. I have to have perfect conditions to fall asleep, my bed, dark room, night time etc. I am always jealous of people who can sleep anywhere and anytime. I can’t even sleep in the car, I am afraid I am going to miss something.
Can you remember a crazy place your kids have fallen asleep or even you, when you were little?
The best sleeping story I am going to post on my blog and send you a SURPRISE!
Riahli says
Ha, ha, I have one of those! My little red head will fall asleep anywhere. I have pictures of him sleeping with his face in his food, across a chair with his feet dangling, even while riding his bouncy horse! One minute he was awake, the next riding sideways on his horse, snoozing. I blogged about that one a while ago cause it was so funny. I left him on there just long enough to take pictures, he didn’t seem to mind. 😉 It has always amazed me how fast he can fall asleep in the most random places and once he is asleep, try waking him up, doesn’t happen. Now if it was only that way at bedtime…..
Jinxy says
She’s too cute. Does she sleep like that for long? None of those positions look comfortable.
kimdibb says
Oh, I love the one’s where she’s standing…what a hoot!
Kim says
Oh, I love the one's where she's standing…what a hoot!
Gillian says
Hi I am a newbie following your blog, which I just love reading you have brightened my days :0)
My 3 yr old has just phased out of sleeping anywhere at night but his bed stage. Found him one night at the foot of our bed, I rolled over and wondered what I had just kicked, that would be my son! If I remember right there is a picture of me when I was 2 walking a sleep, we had gone to Switzerland and there I am fast a sleep as my parents held my hands.
Shelley says
I should have known that you were a blogger! I just loved reading this post because this was Macy when she was little. I, too, took pictures to “vouch” for all the crazy ways she fell asleep. The best..while going potty! I have a photo if you need evidence!!
Together We Save says
That is so sweet and funny. I love all your pictures.
Jeff and Anna too! says
ha-love those pictures.
I’ve dreamt that I was on a tour of a cool glass dome that had these liquid colors flowing over the top. The tour guide said I could change the color by dumping water over the top-so I did.
I woke up to find myself in a huge puddle and the glass of water on the night stand in my hand…
.:Anna:. says
ha-love those pictures. I've dreamt that I was on a tour of a cool glass dome that had these liquid colors flowing over the top. The tour guide said I could change the color by dumping water over the top-so I did. I woke up to find myself in a huge puddle and the glass of water on the night stand in my hand…