If you are looking for a really nice Retirement Income Worksheet, Genworth Financial has got a really easy to use online calculator you can use. Just click the picture above.
There is also a really good article on CNN Money about planning for your retirement ( there are different lessons, this one is #13) and 10 top things you need to know.
I have young kids still, and sometimes in my head I think I am denying the fact that I really need to be doing more for retirement. Last week while waiting for my oil change to be done they had the news on in the carwash and I was shocked to hear that over 50% of those wanting to retire this year had LESS than $25k in the bank, and would not be able to retire.
After coming home and telling my husband what I had heard he was not surprised at all, and neither was my sister or a close friend. Thus began my week long attempt to educate myself on retirement, which I still really know nothing about! What I do know, is that I have not thought enough about it, or done enough so far to make sure that we have any money when we retire.
The #2 out of the 10 tips is “set realistic goals” and also has a link to a calculator that will tell you what you need to be saving each year… That was sobering.
Are you in charge at your house of retirement planning? Do you both do it, or just one of you?
Information for this post is sourced from Genworth Financial in partnership with theSheHeard Influencer Network
sophiamom says
I also have a large family (8 children). It is a daunting task to figure out how to save money with all that is on our plates as well. Great topic to bring up!