There are some really good Huggies coupons that you an print today. You will want to print these before they reach print limit, which they will do fast!
There is a $1/1 Huggies Wipes coupon under zip code 77477 with no size restrictions. So make sure you print it!
Huggies wipes are on sale for $1.49 at Kroger, so only $.49 after coupons.
FOLLOW these directions:
1. Click here —–>
2. $.50 is pre-clipped.
3. Now, at the top choose from the drop down, “baby & toddler”
4. $1/1 ANY Huggies wipes will show up
This is a mobil friendly link which means all you need is a wi-fi printer. No app is needed!! This will also work on a laptop or desktop.