Learn how to coupon from the pros! We all have to buy groceries, come learn the REAL way to do it on a shoestring budget, you will be surprised at how easy it is!
Tiffany Ivanovsky, from TLC’s Extreme Couponing will be teaching you how to save $100’s a month, only spending a few hours a week, and that includes going to the grocery store!
June 8th – Wednesday
Denver/Highlands Ranch
1:00pm Class and 7:00pm Class
Register ——> HERE
June 9th – Thursday
1:00pm Class and 7:00pm Class
Denver – Westminster
Register ——> HERE
Lori says
Oh my goodness I am so happy I would love to go ?
Jillian Beacom says
This is such an awesome thing. But I will not be able,to attend this time around, I am taking care of my grandma who is terminal with cancer. Please let me know when,you will be doing this another time.
Briana says
I would love to join one of your classes PLEASE