When you go into a CVS the first thing you should do is scan your CVS card at your “magic coupon machine” and see what coupons you get that day!
These are CVS store coupons and so they can be stacked with manufacturer coupons, they will also vary from store to store and customer card.
These coupons expire 3 days from the day they print and are printing for everyone:
$4.00/$12.00 Any Cosmetics Purchase
These coupons print for all shoppers & expire 1 week from the day they print:
$1.00/1 Kudos Variety Pack
$1.49/2 Charmin Basic Single Roll
These coupons print for some shoppers & expire 1 week or more from the day they print:
$5.00/1 Any Hair Appliance
$1.50/1 Any Cough Drops, 45 ct or larger
$1.00/1 Nestea Ready To Drink Tea
$1.00/1 Aveeno Men’s Shave Products
$2.00/2 Cough Drops or Throat Lozenges, 45 ct or more
$0.75/1 Muscle Milk, 14 oz
$1.00/1 CVS Pain Reliever
$2.00/1 CVS Chewy Antacid, 45 ct
$0.50/1 New CVS Brand Antacid Flavor Chews, 12 ct
$1.00/$5.00 CVS Vitamin Purchase
$6.00/$20.00 Any CVS Brand Purchase
$10.00/$30.00 Any CVS Probiotics Purchase
20% Off Purchase (non-sale items)
* You can see all the CVS coupon matchups HERE
amy says
I got a $1 off a gallon of milk this week 🙂
Michael says
I am not sure if this is store policy or I just got a nice cashier, but the other day I was in CVS and had a 5.00 ECB that expired THE DAY BEFORE. Anyway i was mad at myself for missing it by a day and i asked the cashier and she said no..that is still good to use for the whole week of the expiration date. So if it expired on tuesday you could use it up until Saturday was the way i understood her since their weeks roll sunday to sunday . She had to manually enter it but it was great to find out because i have throen those away in the past .