Buying school pictures can get expensive, especially if you have multiple children in school at the same time. Now you can save money on those photo prints with LifeTouch coupon codes! Also did you know that you can havee family members order their own photo prints and save yourself the money of buying more photos and shipping? Not all school use LifeTouch for their school photos but if your school does then you might receive the proofs along with a website and access information to buy online!
Here are a few LifeTouch coupon codes you can use while you’re picking out your favorite pictures:
10FORANY-10% off any order
SAVETEN-10% off any order
WTR40-40% off Custom Canteens
EARLY30-30% off Ornaments
20for40-20% off $40+ Purchase
What’s even better about LifeTouch now is they also provide FREE SmileSafe Cards at no cost. A SmileSafe card is simply a small photo you can carry in your wallet in case your child every goes missing and you need a photo. Order here.