My friend Michelle over at I heart Publix, ordered one of the large Harvest can rotating systems from me last month. She did a little bit of a review of it over HERE on her site. Michelle also posted pictures of her “stockpile” and talked about organization. It is a great post so go check it out! I also am a little bit of a voyeur and like to see how other people organize their coupon finds!
Here are the coupon codes that I offered her readers… you guys should get them also!
Using coupon code SAVE1 you can get the cansolidator 40 can pantry for 52% off regular retail price ($44.95) for $21.49.
Harvest 72″x18″ All small and medium rows, no #10?s! Regular retail price is $409.99, it is on sale on the site for $309.99 but using coupon code SAVE2 you can get it for $266.49 -“This is what I bought and LOVE IT. Like I said it is not cheap…but I feel like it was a good investment for me!”