Posting this picture because I could not find one describing how crazy the last 24 hours have been. I thought a sweet little picture of the baby saying, “Hmmm. Really? This is the family that I get” explains it all!
Warning: This post is dripping with sarcasm, if you are not a fan of sarcasm, skip this one!
Here on MyLitter, not only do you get great deals, but you get life lessons from me on WHAT NOT TO DO. Because, I seem to make things harder than they should be!
Recently, my husband started a new job, so our health insurance would changing. The way things worked out we would have to extend our insurance with COBRA for 6 weeks. It was about $1200. This is exactly what we said, “let’s just go without insurance for 6 weeks, what could possibly happen?”
Famous last words….
My husband was out of town this week for work. I was already busy getting everyone where they needed to be with choir concerts, 3 of them, music lessons, softball lessons etc. and getting 6 different kids to 5 different schools every morning and the baby to my Mom’s. I thought I was doing pretty good when my girls reminded me that we had not set ANY of our Christmas things up and the I was ruining their lives 🙂 I bribed them with cleaning the house and we would pull out all the Christmas things. I was extra motivated and cleaned all the bathrooms and mopped the kitchen floor…
My 8 year old had not realized that the kitchen floor was wet when she came running through barefoot! She slipped and fell HARD! Her head and elbow broke her fall. She was hysterical, it HURT BAD. Then her nose started bleeding, so I am thinking head injury!
Now, with no insurance do you go to the emergency room, or do you go to one of the minor emergency centers? Well, that s why I am here, to give you all useful info! The emergency room will be more expensive but you can pay over time and not that night. The minor emergency is cheaper but you have to pay the entire bill that night…. I ended up taking her to the minor emergency.
I ran out the door with her, left my son and oldest daughter babysitting and asked them to make dinner and not trash the house. I also gave them instructions to take care of the baby when she woke up. 3 hours later we got home, NO head injury thankfully, but a VERY bruised elbow. When I got back, the house was amazingly cleaned and the dishwasher loaded and started! AWESOME. The 13 year old made the other kids Stove Top Stuffing, Macaroni and Cheese and hot Chocolate. Nice nutritionally balanced meal! I got everyone in bed and fed the baby.
Then she threw up on me.
Then she threw up on me again….
The next day she had a fever. I had to take her in to the doctor, $150 dollars later she has tonsillitis.
Should you ever even think of saying, “what could possibly happen?” please think again. BECAUSE IT WILL HAPPEN!
P.S. and that is why I did not post the winners of the Agoo and DVD set… I had a suspected head injury and a puking baby! I will get to it this afternoon, I am sorry!