Thanks to reader Kris for a picture of her mega event goods at Kroger! If you want to read a breakdown of what she bought visit her blog HERE.
Grand total before coupons and sales: $128.77
Total out of pocket paid $46.37
Also, from Kristin, she sent a list of what she was able to get at Owen’s (an affiliate of Kroger):
2 edys ice creams
4 ny texas toast
3 eggo waffles
2 coffeemate creamer
5 philly cream cheese bricks
2 nestle ready to bake cookies
1 6pk yoplait yoguret
10 pks koolaid (10pks free wyb 5pk mac n chs.) normally i don’t buy koolaid
2 uncles bens rice
1 bottle A1
2 fuze drinks
6 vitamin water
2 gerber graduates meals
1 kraft homestyle mac n chs
1 5pk kraft mac n cheese
2 kraft bbq sauce
2 kroger muffin mixes
1 kroger brownie mix
1 pk burrito shells
1 bunch bananas
$1 donation for breast cancer
total before coupons….$73 even
total after coupons $32.75
$40 savings. 🙂