If you are at CVS make sure to scan your card (I know, I know, I sound like a broken record! ) and see if you get a $1 off Pringles Grab & Go. Since they are priced at $1 each this will make them free! Thanks Nearly Free Stuff!
Pringles Grab and Go! – $1.00
Use $1.00/1 Pringles Grab & Go! CRT from CVS Coupon Center
Final cost is FREE!
megan says
my coupon center has been down for going on 3 days now :'( so sad
Tiffany says
Me too!
Gina A. says
Picked up mine last night scanned my card and wohoo free pringles.
Tammy says
Went yesterday, scanned my card and out popped the $1 off Pringles coupon! I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that they only cost $1 to begin with — so FREE! I will be stopping by CVS a lot this week and scanning my card every time!
hazel says
picked up mine during lunch , thank you for your hard work 🙂
cannellelait says
Just back from CVS. My daughter was pretty unhappy to cut cupons for her new couponer mom but she was very happy to get FREE pringles. Thanks Tiffany! You’re our favorite extreme couponer!!
Charlotte Ellis says
Thanks for sounding like a broken record on scanning our CVS card! I have been in 3 or 4 times now and have not scanned my card!! I appreciate the gentle reminders!
Okimutt says
I have 2 of this coupon, but my CVS doesn’t even carry 2.6oz ones. 🙁