I am so excited to offer you this new soooo helpful feature!! Up above this post in my tabs you will see a new one called Coupon Database. Please check it out and learn to use it! Your couponing life will become so much easier! When you click on it you will see a place to type ina search. This is a place to type in any brand or item that you would like to buy. The database will pull up all available unexpired coupons for that product! For example I typed in “Kelloggs” it pulled up 19 different availble Kelloggs coupons and where I can find them, many of them were printables that I could just print off right then!
~You will notice that printable will be in blue, this means that it is a link to print it.
~ If under source it says “RP 02/21/10 ” this means that the coupon can be found in the February 21st 2010 Red Plum Sunday insert.
~ If under source it says “SS 03/14/10” you can find that coupon in the March 14th 2010 Smart Source Sunday insert.
* Use the couon database to help you plan a trip to the store, when you get your regional sales adds, this will make it so much easier for you to find the coupons you need to have a great shopping trip!
I am really excited to be able to bring this to my readers and I hope that you will use it, I want everyone to feel like they are successful at couponing and saving money, anything I can do to help I will do it! If you have any questions please feel free to email me, mylitter@mac.com
Kimber says
WOW!! This is awesome! Thanks for the wonderful resource and for all your hard work 🙂
Therese says
I love, love, love the new Coupon Database! It's AWESOME!
Jenna says
Thank you!
Joy says
Thanks so much for doing the data base.? Joy
~Mo~ says
Thanks Tiffany! I love the coupon database!!
The Coupon Cowgirl says
What a cool feature!!!! Thank you so much for all of your hard work, GREAT deals and posts!! 🙂
Kristen says
I LOVE THIS!!!! Thank you!!
.:Anna:. says
Julie says
This is great! You just helped me save an extra $5.00 at Target. Woo Hoo!!