This is from my friend the coupon goddess Susan! I am sure she sent it from her iphone in the store! Can you see her total?? $1.90! She saved 96%! This is what she said…
“My $1.90 got me 12 Pyrex he. 4 Gatorade. 4 Ragu. A box of tampons free from a Catalina I found in the basket of coupons people don’t want at customer service! And, 3 revlon double pack nail files. I am going to call the toll free Catalina number and complain. I’ll let you know what they say!”
O.K. I am guessing she is complaining about the catalina that was supposed to print out for the purex? Because if she is complaining about paying $1.90 for all that I am going to SLAP her!!
SunshineofAutumnQuilts says
yeah I bought purex twice and no catalina. Did get one the very first trip. I was very disappointed! Your friend did great on this trip though. Wow!
Savvy Addy says
Thanks for the info – I have two purex failed transactions – will they honor both?
Tracy says
What is the number to call Catalina? I need to call also.
Colleen says
I just called Catalina. They are VERY nice and will send you the coupon. Purex pulled the deal, not catalina and they are still honoring it!
susanmw1 says
I called 888-322-3814 but they told me kroger canceled the deal. I could call and complain to kroger corporate. I sent an email to kroger corporate.
.:Anna:. says
MyLitter says
Depends on the Kroger she went to…. The one on Gosling will let you use as many as you want.
twanda says
How was she able to buy so many pyrex's, doesn't Krogers have a policy where you can only use 3 coupons for the same item? How was she able to buy 12 on one transaction?