With the good weather just around the corner, I am digging the kids Crocs out to see what will fit for the spring and summer. The Crocs website just put out a whole bunch of coupon codes that make certain styles $5.99 and $9.99!! There is a coupon code that you can use to save an additional 10%, plus all orders ship for free when you choose economy shipping. If you want in on any of these deals, I suggest going for them now, as they will probably sell out fast of a lot of sizes. Thanks The Thrifty Mama! Here are the coupon codes available:
** Also, you get 2 FREE Jibbitz (the cute little plastic “charms” with shoes). You must add them to your cart with your shoe purchase and they will show up as free. Thanks to a comment from The Thrifty Mama!
$5.99 Crocs Coupon Codes
Girls Siren: SIREN599
Womens Laguna: LAGUNA599
$9.99 Crocs Coupon Codes
Sobek: SOBEK999
Venture Canvas: CVENTURE999
Dora the Exp. Cayman: DORA999
Hannah Montana MJ: HANNAH999
Use code CROCSAFF10 to take an ADDITIONAL 10% off!! Yes, these codes are stackable! All orders ship for FREE! This code has only been working with *some* orders 🙁
Shop the Crocs online store HERE. Be sure to shop through Ebates so that you earn a 4% rebate back!
** The Codes are case sensative so be careful when typing them in…
Natalie says
Question – the CROCSAFF10 code states that it's an affiliate discount…I'm not an affiliate, is this okay to use?
MyLitter says
Natalie, I assume so????Sorry you are all having trouble with this one!
Natalie says
Well…I ordered 5 pairs of shoes and got the Jibbitz for $55. I logged in through ShopAtHome and will get 7% back. I never did get the HANNAH999 code to work. I think I used a total of 5 codes…so not bad at all!Here they are:CODE "secondchance" gives you free standard shipping.CODE "AXLE1499" gives you 50% off Axle shoes.CODE "10OFF60" gives you $10 off $60 purchase.CODE "CELESTEC1599" gives you 50%+ off Celeste Canvas flats.CODE "CROCSAFF10" for the 10% off.
Julie says
I couldn't get any of those codes to work. It said "invalid promo code". 🙁
Anonymous says
I bought a pair of lagunas and sirens. The 599 codes worked, but the 10% off code didn't. Weird how it works for some and not others, huh?