An update on the Walgreens post and question.
This is from Becky…
“I heard back from Walgreens. I got a personal phone call and yes it’s the new Walgreens policy. The cashiers are supposed to do all Walgreens coupons first and then the manufacturer coupons. The store manager told me that if they didn’t follow this procedure, their job would be in jeopardy. I guess the Walgreens shopping is pretty much done for me. I don’t have a CVS or Rite Aid close by so I was hooked on Walgreens.”
Wow, I am really dissapointed. Walgreens seems to hate their customers, not only are the managers and cashiers (in my area) unfriendly and rude, I am sure they are thrilled that many coupon shoppers will not be shopping their anymore. Any thoughts?