Lori D. did a great deal this week price matching at Walmart.
Here is what she did:
K-Mart has the Off Clip on Starter Kit on sale this week for 2 for $8.00, since I haven’t tried using coupons at K-Mart much I went to Wal-Mart with the ad and had them price match…
Deal 1…
Bought 2 Starter Kits and 1 refill
$3.84 for the refill and $8.00 for both Starter kits
Used BOGO Off Clip on Starter Kit coupon
and 1 $2.00 off Starter Kit coupon from 5/12 SS (making the Starter Kits 2 for $2.00)
and 1 $1.00 off refill coupon also from 5/16 SS
Total $4.84 plus tax
Deal 2 … I repeated deal 1
Deal 3 I bought 2 Ziplock baggies using a BOGO coupon from the 4/11 SS and another Off refill using $1.00 off from 5/16 SS
Total $6.37 plus tax
Now I can submit 3 rebates here…
So total out of pocket with tax will be about $4.00 for everything in the photo below! COOL!
Also, be sure to peek in the Off clip on Starter box for a folded up coupon, in the box is facing you it will be on the right hand side, they don’t all have them but I found 4 that did and the coupon is for $1.00 off a refill and expires in June 2011! I’ll bet at the end of the season I can find some on clearance and use these coupons to stock up with refills for next year!
I really need to stock up on these, like I said before we really like them. Thank you so much for sharing this great deal with us Lori and for the pictures!