Finally, the last day of giveaway’s to celebrate Mother’s Day!
How about 3 winner’s get grocery gift cards?! I don’t know about you but grocery gift cards are ones that I don’t loose and use right away!
The first is a $20 gift card to HEB!
The next 2 gift cards are to Kroger! 2 $50 EACH cards! Wooo Hooo! Thanks to my sweet husband for grabbing these for us!!
So you know what to do… leave a comment, and cross your fingers and check back tomorrow afternoon to see if you have won!
Amanda says
This would be very helpful!! Thanks for the nice giveaways
Lisa says
You are so wonderful!! Thanks for the chances to win great gifts.Happy Mother's Day to you!!!
Amanda says
I am a subscriber
Milam says
Please, please, please let me win the HEB gift card! I am a subscriber. 🙂
Megan says
The things I could do with a $50 gift card. . . . .I also follow you!
The Pie's says
Dang way to go with the giveaways!!!
bheinrich3 says
I would love to have a gift card. I could fill the freezer with meat!
jamaud says
Thanks for all your tips! I would LOVE a Kroger gift card!
Lipe Family says
Wow! Thanks for posting the giveaway!
Heather says
I would love a kroger g.c. Thanks for the giveaways!
Oakley says
I would love an HEB gift card! I don't have a Kroger but I would find a way to use it! Thanks so much!
mostly sane mother says
I'm in! Thanks for the great giveaways, Tiffany!
Mary with Avon says
I would love a Kroger gift card.
Mary with Avon says
I follow you.
Mary with Avon says
I subscribe to your email feed. Happy Mother's Day everyone!!
Julia says
Loving these giveaways! Happy Mother's day!
Julia says
I subscribe to your feed!
The Texas Deal Diva says
I would love to have a Kroger or HEB gift card!! Its nice to read a local blog where you have the same stores available for shopping.
Kassidy says
I would love to win a kroger gc to help with my sons birthday party, he's turning the big 1.
Jill says
Thanks for all the great givaways you are doing this week. I know you put a lot of time and effort into all of this. Which is even harden when you are pregnant.
Linda says
I sure could use the Kroger gift card, we don't have HEB in Kansas. Thanks for the chance. Happy Mothers Day to all!I subscribe via e mail heavenwith5@yahoo.com
Faith says
I don't have an HEB, but I could sure have fun with one of those Kroger cards, lol! a_faith_stewart at yahoo dot com
Jill says
I subscribe to your email feed.
Faith says
I follow your blog:)a_faith_stewart at yahoo dot com
Jill says
I follow
Faith says
I subscribe via e-maila_faith_stewart at yahoo dot com
Mary says
The amount of things a couponer can buy with $50 is unreal!!!! This is definitely an awesome giveaway. Thanks.
Mary says
I subscribe!
riknicole says
I love gift cards!
Marissa says
I would love it if I won. I can always use free gift cards!
Missy says
We are eating from the stockpile this month so one of these cards would be a treat for us. Thanks for all that you do to help us save!
Angie says
A Kroger gift card would be awesome! And $50 really does go a long long way… it's so cool that you do this! After reading your blog for a month and a half, I FINALLY saved more on groceries than I spent! Just once, but it's a start, right?
andrea says
I would love a Kroger card!!
Shannon says
Me, me, me. I would love the Kroger card. No HEB's around here. Happy Mother's Day!! Shannon
Michelle says
Count me in!
Hillori says
You're my hero…
LJHouston04 says
This would be great for our budget for this month !!
Jenan says
These are great. I would take anyone.
Jenan says
I am email subscriber
Tanya says
I would love the HEB GC, Ilive in Texas and that is pretty much the only grocery store since they have cornered the market on that one 🙁
amber rae says
Wow I would love a gift card!!
marathonmom says
I love your giveaways, if I could only win one. Thanks for all your help saving money.
Amanda says
I would love to win a giftcard to Kroger!amanda.corley@ymail.com
Amanda says
I am an e-mail subscriber.amanda.corley@ymail.com
Amanda says
I am a follower.amanda.corley@ymail.com
Erin says
I would love a chance to win!
Robyn says
I would love a Kroger GC (we don't have a HEB)…happy mothers day to all the mothers out there!
Christine says
Relatively new to your blog and I love it! My husband is so amazed how much money I am saving already! Would love to win a GC!
susanmw1 says
Never turn down the chance for free food!
susanmw1 says
I follow!
Suzanne Earl says
Wow! This giveaway is awesome!!! What a help to the grocery budget!
Suzanne Earl says
I follow your blog too!!!
gabbagirl says
Feeling a bit blue my baby boy turned 26 today however he lives 1000 miles away. A givaway is sure to help cheer me up. You rock!
Rachel says
I just found your blog from a suggestion link on Facebook. I was actually in the Woodlands 1st ward several years ago and knew you- and am a good friend of both Paige Bilyeu and Tonia Davis. Thanks for the tips- I will start following your blog and sending in any deals I come across! Happy Mother's Day!Rachel Hathcock
ms-texas says
Thank you for a fabulous giveaway! I would love either of the gift cards as I am a customer of both store and would appreciate either one! debbiebellows(at)gmail(dot)com
ms-texas says
i just subscribed by email!debbiebellows(at)gmail(dot)com
ms-texas says
i am following you on twitter now @bellows22debbiebellows(at)gmail(dot)com
lynda says
my fingers are crossed! thanks for all the fun giveaways.
A's says
I would love to win! Woo hoo!freenius at gmail dot com
A's says
I subscribe via e-mail :).freenius at gmail dot com
A's says
I follow on facebook.freenius at gmail dot com
LizOwenLilyMom says
It would be awesome to win some FREE groceries!
LizOwenLilyMom says
I subscribe!
Rachel says
I would love these!
Rachel says
I would love these!
Kristi says
With a new baby in the house, any of these gift cards would be wonderful for our family. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
NCBELL240 says
Carol says
What an even sweeter Mother's Day that would be!
Christy says
I would LOVE the Kroger gift card, no HEB here.
Christy says
I am a follower.
Tanya says
Thanks for the giveaway! I would love a gift card.
Tanya says
I subscribe…thanks!
Shasta says
How can you say no to free groceries–count me in and on facebook too!
knottskinny32 says
This would be so helpful. Thank you for all you do to help us all.Have a Happy Mothers Day.
The Benson Family says
I LOVE Kroger! We don't have a heb here but I love Kroger! Thanks!taken_62505@yahoo.com
The Benson Family says
I subscribe to your email feed!
Sabrina says
Cool! Happy Mother's Day! I don't have Kroger ;( but we do have HEB!!! however they are not so friendly for coupons… so I usually shop Walmart and go there for only produce.Thank you for the giveaway!
Sabrina says
I am a follower- check every day – several times a day!
Charlene says
I would love to win a Kroger card. Wow!
Charlene says
I subscribe o your e-mail feed.
J. Lopez says
Awesome!! Great give aways!
Suzanne says
Pick me…pick me!!! I follow!
cora says
Would to have this gift card would help ma make a wonderful Mother's day dinner
Heinze Fam says
You've been giving away a very wonderful gifts. I hope I can win one of them. Thank you.
Ashlee says
I love food!seemana@gmail.com
snbjork says
Wow, what an awesome giveaway. Thanks!snbjork(at)gmail(dot) com
snbjork says
aa says
I would love to win the Kroger gift card..
Jenny says
What a great giveaway. I'd love to win any of them!
Kacey says
Wow! What an amazing giveaway. Thanks!
MommaMichelle says
I follow and subscribe
Therese says
Oh what I could do with a $50 gift card to Kroger!
*Heather* says
I would love a Kroger (we don't have the other store here). Happy Mother's Day!Heathersweetpea_hd@comcast.net
Therese says
I also follow you!
Amanda says
Oooh, imagine how far I could stretch a Kroger giftcard!! 🙂
Pam (meanestmother) says
I'd love to win a gift card. I have friends that could sure use it right now.
Kristen says
I would LOVE a Kroger gift card as we do not have a HEB in my area. Thanks so much for all the money saving tips and your sense of humor! Your post about your vacation/family trip to Destin was hilarious!! The fish head and banana vs computer time had me in tears! Thanks!
Cheryl says
Thank you for having these give aways.they are great!Cheryl
D says
You and your husband are both great. 🙂 Thank you for the give-aways this week, and Happy Mother's Day. :)Deb(PS, I can use any of the cards, so if I win and the other winners need the Kroger cards, by all means, I'll take the HEB. 🙂 )
Ramsey says
How awesome!
bethf202 says
I would love a Kroger gift card! We have Fry's (Kroger affiliate) here and love it!
bethf202 says
I also subscribe to your email feed.Thanks!
Christie says
This would be great to win!philpot3@sbcglobal.net
carolynishis says
Please enter me! I Can really use it.We are right in the flood disaster area in Hickman County,Tn.
carolynishis says
I subscribe to your google as carolynishis@gmail.com
Just Me says
Those could go so far! Thanks.
Lora says
I'd be thrilled with a Kroger's gift card–as would my husband. Thanks for another great giveaway!Lora
Kristi says
A Kroger card would be great (we don't have HEB)!
LH says
Thanks!!! I save so much money since I started following your blog.mlhartnup@yahoo.com
The Short Mom says
Nice givaway!I want in
J. Lopez says
I follow you on facebook
J. Lopez says
i subscribe
Shannon says
Lovin' all your giveaways! With this many chances, I've got to win something! Here's for hoping…
Shannon says
I subscribe to email feed, too!
wendy says
What an awesome give-a-way! … I wouldlove an HEB giftcard!
oliv2b says
PLEASE!!! Pick me! Pick me!:) Heather
oliv2b says
I also am a follower.
Erin says
Great giveaways! Thanks for all your tips, too!
Happy Mom says
New to couponing and love your blog:)
jdavis says
this would help out for this month with graduation, mothers day, and end of school year activies this would free up moneies to cover other things. Like dinner for MOM !!! Good luck everyone.
andrea says
I love HEB! Thanks for all you do. I've learned (and saved) so much since finding your blog. I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
Carly says
We don't have a HEB but a Kroger gift card would be awesome! Loving the giveaways!
Colby says
Nothing like a gift card to help with inspiration!
Kathy Rambousek says
I'd love to win the Kroger card. We don't have HEB around here.LKARambo at comcast dot net
Kathy Rambousek says
I'm an Email subscriberLKARambo at comcast dot net
Kathy Rambousek says
I'm a follower tooLKARambo at comcast dot net
Kirsty says
Love your site, Tiffany, you do a great job!I wish we had HEB here, but we don't…just Kroger, Publix, etc.
theo says
My mom is the best! I'd love to win her a giftcard for mother's day!
Tracy says
I could definitely use the Kroger card.
Tracy says
I am a follower.
Tracy says
I am a subscriber.
TucksMommy says
Oh please Oh please Oh please, I have my fingers crossed!
Megan says
Great giveaways! I don't have an HEB, but we do have Kroger! :)winstongang at yahoo
Megan says
I am also an email subscriber :)winstongang at yahoo
Laurie C. says
The Kroger gift card would be wonderful! I'm not familiar with HEB, so we must not have those around here. 🙂
dlcjz says
A Kroger card would be such a wonderful Mother's Day gift!!! We're budgeting so much this year that we're forgoing presents. Just cards. This would be my present!!!
Electra says
I don't have a HEB, but I'd love a Kroger gift card!
J Rogers says
I love mother's day. It is my yearly review and since I am not getting a pay raise I hope to get a good bonus.
Kelly Tillotson says
The Kroger card would make my mothers day even happier! love your blog!! thanks for the giveaway opportunities!!*kellykelly-tillotson@hotmail.com
Katie says
Excellent giveaway! Would love to win. Thanks.Skhusher@farm-market.net
Katie says
I'm a fan on FB also! :)skhusher@farm-market.net
sherry says
Bet you here Happy Mother's Day alot on Sunday especially with 6 running around. Hope you have a blessed day and I would love to go hit some deals at Kroger. Thanks
Angela says
Great giveaway…pick me!
Angela says
I subscribe my email.
Kerrie says
That's for the opportunity to win a great giveaway!kerriekg@yahoo.com