The Dollar store where I usually get my papers is no longer carrying them!!!!! Did you all hear me scream this morning when I found out??
The price of our paper has gone up to $2. So the Dollar store would have to sell them for $1.25 and they can’t, well, because everything has to be $1. I had to spend $12 on papers this morning and I am hating it. I have an appointment with the Houston Chronicle this week and if I can’t get a deal for the readers of my blog I will just be buying my coupons online from now on. I will keep you posted!
Sheri says
I get the sunday delivered for 1.50 a week. Is walmart going up on their price too? Wasn't it like 1.75 or 1.50 there? When the coupons are good I usually pick up more and do my grocery shopping on sunday so I don't waste the gas 🙂
karip says
Are you sure your price is still $1.50 a week? I was at that rate and they just raised it to $1.75.
ncbell240 says
Catherine says
Check to see if McDonald's sells local papers for $1!
The Mom says
Anon, do you get other papers during the week? I think they will only give you that price if you do. I have been fighting with them for a while about getting it for $1 even $1.25 on Sunday with delivery. If you do only get the Sunday paper at that I price I need to know who you talked to!!!! I can't get anyone that will consider it!
Tanya says
Let us know if you find a good deal on the chronicle. I had subscribed through, but stopped to just buy in the store on Sundays. I really miss it (for reading and the coupons too) so I plan to re-subscribe sometime soon.Thanks.
Katie says
Have you checked the CVS? Ours is the most reasonable place. Another thing we do (all my friends who coupon) is hit the recycling bin at Publix Sunday night and usually Monday and Tuesday mornings and take out the coupon inserts that others threw away. There isn't anything stated on the outside of the bin that says you can't and as long as you don't physically get in, there is no harm right? I'm actually going to be leaving a note for my delivery person tonight (since I have a box for my paper to be put into) and ask her if I can buy the extra inserts from her on Monday (the ones that don't sell). That way, I don't have to discard all the newspapers and just keep what I want. I'm hoping she will just make a me a deal too on the inserts. We shall see!
LB says
I guess you can only have one sub to the paper at a time? I pay $2.30 a week for my sub – it is Wed to Sun, but a lot of times the other papers go right into the recycling bin. But that is not in your area… and I don't think they let you have more than one sub?
Anonymous says
Our local Sunday paper goes for 2.00 but I have it delivered for 1.00 a week.I just asked for this price and they gave it to me.Might be worth a try.
.:Anna:. says
Dumpster diving for coupons! She's my kind of girl. I was at Starbucks and Panera and was like, "Oh nice! Leftover coupons!" I've even picked them up out of other people's recycling bins while out walking. I have no shame.
Teresa says
Anna, I remember some teenage girl that was totally ashamed when her mother did just that!!!! Guess she taught you something.the old man
Sheri says
I just renewed a couple of weeks ago and they told me that the price would be 1.50 a week. So as far as I know it is still that rate 🙂 Are you doing Sunday only?