This deal is going around everywhere on the web, if you have not taken advantage of it yet now is your chance! Whether you want to plan ahead for Christmas, have birth announcement to send out, or just need some cute address labels for mailing out bills, here’s how to get 140 address labels for free (you pay only $3.11 for shipping):
::Go to VistaPrint and click on “Stationary and Home Office” under the “Home and Family” tab on the sidebar.::Choose Return Address Labels and it should pull up a page offering 140 labels for free.::Design your labels (be sure to opt out of all the upsell offers so that you don’t incur extra charges) and check out paying only $3.11 for shipping.
And there you have it! Please do note that VistaPrint is notorious for sending you lots of email after you order from them so I’d recommend either unsubscribing from their emails as soon as you start getting them or giving them an email address which is not your primary address. Thanks Money Saving Mom!