Go while this printable coupon (my coupon was on the 3rd page) for a great deal at the Kroger Daytona 500 Sale! You should find it under zip code 77477. This sale STARTS on Wednesday!
Pop Secret 3ct is part of the Buy 6, Get $3.00 off promotion, so as long as you buy your Pop Secret as part of a multiple of 6 – here’s your deal:
Pop Secret 3ct – $1.49 (AFTER Daytona Savings)
Use $1.00/1 Pop Secret printable coupon (zip 77477)
Final Price: $0.49
You can also try these links and zip codes. Each one appears to be a unique print number so you may be able to print 2 from each link in each different zip! Here for zip 22222, here for zip 85212, here for zip 90210, here for zip 48044, and here for zip 03103.
* It is ok to use these at Kroger although they have a different logo on them, they are manufacturer coupons. Now if they said “redeem ONLY” then we could not use them. This can be confusing! Head on over HERE to see some more explanation on what coupons you can use where.
Zinnia says
I printed 6 coupons 4 that say redeem at HEB
2 Redeem at Shoppers, I printed using different zip codes so they all have different bar code. Can I use these coupons at Kroger even though it read to redeem at another store?
Tiffany says
Yes!! This should help
That is a great question though!
Zinnia says