Dang, I can’t believe I missed this one when I posted my last Target post! If you need sunscreen, grab it at Target this week!
Buy 1 Hawaiian Tropic Cool Aloe Gel 12 oz ($4.99) and 1 Lip Balm ($1.79) = $6.78
Use -$1/1 Hawaiian Tropic Sun Care Product, any 4 oz. 05-22-11 RP x6/25
Total:= $5.78 – $5 Gift Card Back for Buying 2
=.78 cents for both products
Buy 1 Banana Boat 16 oz Aloe After Sun Lotion ($4.99) and 1 Lip Balm ($1.79) = $6.78
Use -$1.00 (use –$1/1 Banana Boat Sun Care Product 4 oz+ excl lip balm 5-22-11 SS x6/25
Total: = $5.78 -$5.00 (Get a $5 Gift Card Back for Buying 2
=.78 cents for both products
Terms and conditions apply to gift Cards, one of them being that your purchases must at least be equal to or greater than the amount of the Gift Card being earned. So 2 lip balms don’t equal $5 so no Gift Card will prompt at the Register. BUT you can still get a great deal, by buying 1 Lip Balm and another product that will get you over the $5 mark which will prompt the register for your $5 Gift Card without a problem.
Thanks for the deal & photo, TotallyTarget
I went looking around to check and see what the issue was with the Banana Boat Deal, this is what i ofund form Totally Target:
After reading thru the comments from readers it seems to me that there is a good chance none of the bonus packs are working on this deal, so you may want to avoid them. If you do not see a sign on the lip balm, it does not necessarily mean it’s not included, while signs may be removed, it will still remain included in the system and as long as you are buying 1 full size product (not bonus size or bonus packs) and 1 lip balm, the register should prompt for a gift card. While things can change at any time, so far I hear it is still working. Lot’s of you have also spotted $2/1 manufacturer peelies at your stores too making it even better.
Dawn says
Just went to Target. The cashier informed me that the Banana Boat After Sun Care lotion is not included. I could not get the gift card =\
Tricia says
according to the coupon,you cannot buy a lip balm to use with the offer 🙁
Tiffany says
Thanks for the heads up!
Lori DePriest says
Just went to Target and these deals don’t work. The lip balm is not included in the deal. I am not sure how it was labeled in this picture, but it wasn’t labeled at ours and the manager confirmed it was not in the special. I am in Katy.
Tiffany says
I am not sure why they were not labeled in your store. I am so sorry you left empty handed Lori.
Tiffany says
As long as you are buying 1 full size product, it should still work even if signs are removed at last test.