Hi, my name is Tiffany and I like LOVE popcorn! Especially, the Indiana Popcorn White & Black! One of the reasons ( out of hundreds ) that I coupon is so that there is room for “extras”. This month we did really good on our budget and had a little extra at the end of the month. My very favorite snack has been on sale the past 2 weeks for $1.99. I bought $35 worth on Monday, we ate almost all that this week! So tonight before the sale was over and to use the last 5 $1 off coupons I had, I ran into Walgreens and grabbed another 13 bags. Everyone is under STRICT instructions that they had better make these bags last a few weeks!! 🙂
What are your guilty pleasures that you coupon for?
Amanda says
I love that popcorn too!
Jessica says
We don’t coupon for any special treats, but we do coupon so we can afford to eat better and healthier meals.
Gloria says
My Indiana Popcorn barely makes it to a shelf!!! I am addicted also.
Maria says
I too am a popcorn addict! It should be it’s own food group! Actually, I make my own. In my stove top popper I use regular popcorn with Smart Balance oil & Smart Balance butter. It makes the best popcorn with less guilt!