Randalls is offering the Buy $75 worth and get a $10 catalina again. Total $75 before coupons and trigger that catalina to print. It prints after you pay, you will get it back with your receipt.
There are plenty of cereal coupons floating around right now and here is an ad to match them up with! You can also earn 20 bonus Box Tops at checkout when you buy any 5 General Mills Box Tops for Education products. They will print out with your recite and you can redeem the code online to the school of your choice.
More P&G sales to mention. Buy 2 or more and save $3 on each item. There are also additional products pictured but not noted in the ad which leads to believe they will be included in the buy 2, save $3 sale, just not priced in the ad itself. I would advise having all your P&G coupons on hand just in case you spot a good deal! All you have to do to get the $3 off is buy participating products in quantities of two. You can mix and match the products.
**The prices listed below already reflect the $3 savings WYB2
There is a small 3 day sale happening for 1/06-1/08. The items listed all look like good stuff to throw in school lunches. No coupons as of yet to combine with the ad savings but you never know some may pop up and I’ll let you know if I find some!
One last thing, don’t let this in-ad store coupon pass you by! If you’ll be purchasing frozen food (some exclusions) be sure to use the 30% off coupon! It can be found on the bottom front page of your ad.
** Prices are assuming your store does not double or triple coupons. My Randalls will double or triple the first of each coupon. If you are in an area that does your final price will be lower.
::Weekly Deals::
Thanks to Savingwellspendingless for these matchups, rewritten for Texas Randall ad by Tiffany
melinda p says
Recycle Bank is also offering a $5 off $50 coupon (after sales and q) for 50 points