My Randalls will double and triple 1 of each coupon with your Randalls card every day. Some pretty good deals but I still think HEB is the place to be this week!
Extreme Couponing, Houston Frugal Living Blog
By Tiffany 6 Comments By clicking on our links, we might make a SMALL commission - Thanks for the support! See our full DISCLOSURE here.
My Randalls will double and triple 1 of each coupon with your Randalls card every day. Some pretty good deals but I still think HEB is the place to be this week!
Amber R. says
I’m still pretty new to couponing so excuse me if this sounds a lil stupid. When you say they’ll double or triple your coupons is this up to a certain amount? The reason I ask is that all the stores in my area will only double up to .50 or $1
Tiffany says
Yes correct .50 to .40 double and .39 and under triple
Amber R. says
Awesome, thank you so much for the quick response! I was always wondering because I see all these coupon sites and of course on the show show how they go to stores that double coupons. Very good to know again thank you!
Chantel says
Can you use a mfg coupon with an in store coupon? For example, there is a Charmin in store coupon this week, and a 25 cents mfg coupon, can these be used together?
Tiffany says
Yes they can!
Tiffany says
Yes you can!