Here are the Randalls/Safeway Weekly Deals and coupon matchups. Randalls is an affiliate store of Safeway. You can go HERE and check out the coupon policy, what coupons they take, where to get coupons and e-coupons to use at Randalls! You can also go HERE to see how to organize and store coupons. Randall’s has added store digital coupons. They are listed in the ad, but you can also go HERE to load them directly to your card. All of the ‘clip or click’ coupons can be found under the ‘Clip or Click’ section below. :: WEEKLY DEALS ::
Multi-Item Deals
$5 Friday Deals
Progresso Soups, 18.5 – 19 oz – $1.00
Includes: Selected Varieties
- $1.00/4 Progresso Products; Excludes Pasta Bowls – Randall’s Digital Coupon – (exp. 03/15/15)
- $0.50/1 Progresso Products; Excluding Pasta Bowl – 1-4-15 SS – (exp. 02/28/15)
- $0.50/2 Progresso Products; Excluding Pasta Bowl – 1-4-15 SS – (exp. 02/28/15)
- $0.50/3 Progresso Canned Soups – 2-1-15 SS – (exp. 03/28/15)
- $1.00/6 Progresso Canned Soups – 2-1-15 SS – (exp. 03/28/15)
Final Price: Free
Use the $.50/1, free after doubled coupon
Dr Pepper Products, 12 pk 12 oz – $2.49
Limit 1
Final Price: $2.49
Mott’s 100% Apple Juice, 64 oz – $2.00
- $1.00/1 Mott’s Juice or Sauce – Safeway Digital Coupon – (exp. 04/30/15)
- $1.00/1 Mott’s Juice or Sauce – 1-11-15 SS – (exp. 02/28/15)
Final Price: $1.00
Breakfast & Cereal
Buy 4, Save $4
Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars, 8.9 oz – $1.49 – WYB 4
- $0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, 5 ct or Larger; Nut Crisp Bars, Granola Thins, Soft-Baked Oatmeal Squares, or Breakfast Biscuits
- $0.50/2 Nature Valley Granola Bars, 5 ct or Larger; Nut Crisp Bars, Granola Thins, Soft-Baked Oatmeal Squares, or Breakfast Biscuits
- $0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, 5 ct or Larger; Nut Crisp Bars, Granola Thins, Soft-Baked Oatmeal Squares, or Breakfast Biscuits
- $0.60/1 Nature Valley Granola Bars, 5 ct or Larger; Nature Valley Granola Thins; Nature Valley Soft-Baked Oatmeal Squares; or Nature Valley Breakfast Biscuits
- $0.50/1 Nature Valley Protein Bars, 7.1 oz (Store Coupon) – Randall’s Digital Coupon – (exp. 02/22/15)
Final Price: $0.89
Cookies, Snacks & Candy
Balance Bar, 1 ct – $0.99
- $1.00/3 Balance Bars – Facebook Coupon
- $1.00/2 Balance Bar Singles – 1-4-15 RP – (exp. 03/31/15)
Final Price: $0.49
Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Crackers, 6.6 – 8 oz – B1G1
Prices Vary
Pantry Essentials Milk, gal – $2.50
Stacks With
Stacks With
Stacks With
Stacks With
Out-of-Pocket Price: $2.50
Final Price: $0.50
Frozen Foods
Blue Bell Ice Cream, 1/2 gal – $4.99
Final Price: $3.99
Home Supplies
Downy Unstopables, 9.7 oz – $4.99
- $0.50/1 Downy Unstopables In-Wash Scent Booster; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 4 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day
- $2.00/2 Downy Unstopables Products; Excludes Trial and Travel Size; Limit of 4 Like Coupons Per Household Per Day
- $0.50/1 Downy Product; Excludes Unstopables, Libre Enjuague/Free Rinse and Trial and Travel sizes – Randall’s Digital Coupon – (exp. 02/28/15)
- $2.00/1 Tide PODS, Gain Flings or Fireworks, Downy Unstopables or Bounce Bursts; Excludes Tide PODS, 5 ct, Gain Flings, 5 ct and Trial and Travel sizes – Randall’s Digital Coupon – (exp. 02/28/15)
Stacks With
- $3.00/3 Save $3 when you buy 3 or more Oxi Clean, 3 lb or 24 ct; Safeway Home Detergent, 100 oz liquid, 104 oz powder or 48 ct packs; Downy Unstopables, 9.7 oz; Downy Fabric Softener, 41 – 51 oz liquid or 105 – 120 ct sheets – (exp. 02/24/15)
Final Price: $1.99
Strawberries, 1 lb – $1.99
Final Price: $1.99