Guys, heads up! This coming week on Wednesday, we will be getting another Mega Event sale at Kroger! It is a buy 10 save $5 sale. If you want to start looking for coupons I will give you a heads up on the items to pull coupons for. Like all mega events there are going to be a BUNCH of unadvertised deals! Today, every hour or so I am going to be posting some of the HOTTEST upcoming deals you will see starting NEXT week. So, make sure you are checking back today!
If you have never shopped a mega event or you would like a refresher on how to do that, make sure that you watch the 24 minute FREE “How to shop a Kroger mega event” video. This will tell you exactly what to do.
*If you are on mobil you can go HERE
Swanson Broth only $.49!!!
Remember to check the coupon database for coupons this weekend.