Why spend a lot of money on something you’re going to throw away right? Right now at Kroger you can use the $1.00/1 Hefty Trash Bag coupon and a new Checkout51 offer and get a great deal on trash bags.
:: At KROGER ::
Hefty Trash Bags 45ct $6.99
Use $1.00/1 Hefty Trash Bags coupon
Get $1.25/1 Hefty Trash Bags Checkout51 Offer
Total: $4.74 ($0.11 per bag)
Hefty Trash Bags, 13 gal 38 or 45 pk, 30 gal 28 pk or 39 gal 18 pk – $5.99
$1.00/1 Hefty Trash Bags
$1.00/1 Hefty Kitchen or Large Black Trashbags
$1.00/1 Hefty Ultimate with Arm & Hammer Odor Control – Facebook Coupon
$1.50/1 Hefty Ultimate Odor Control Trash Bags
$1.00/1 Hefty Trash Bags; Void in Puerto Rico (Manufacturer’s Coupon) – Walgreens Digital Coupon – (exp. 07/31/14)– $1.00/1 Hefty Large Black Trash Bags – 4-13-14 RP – (exp. 06/30/14)- $1.00/1 Hefty Tall Kitchen Trash Bags – 4-13-14 RP – (exp. 06/30/14)
Final Price: $4.49Use $1.50/1 Coupon; If variety included