Did you unlock your Kroger Season of Savings deal today yet? Each day they will have a different deal for you to get, there is something for everyone.
Make your holiday season merrier with exclusive daily deals! A new deal unlocks at 12AM PST each day, so be sure to come back for even more great savings.
Today you can save $10 on your grocery purchase when you buy (2) American Eagle cards valued at $25.
You can also load a $3 off Pedigree Dentastix coupon to your Kroger card.
Go HERE to get your deals.
Joann says
I am still trying to find the free baby wipes an formulas, someone said it was over with yesterday when I saw it posted an now this morning it’s posted again! I signed in but still don’t see it.HELP
Tiffany says
I think they are all gone 🙁