Yesterday, released a bunch of really nice Kraft coupons. These don’t hang around too long, so if you are interested you might want to print them now!
But over at Coupon Diva’s they are reporting that some people are getting a insert in their papers this week. I only get the paper on the weekends so I can’t confirm for us in Houston, but if you get the paper you might want to check!
If you want to see the matchups for these coupons at Walmart go HERE.
Heather says
I got a Kraft insert today in the mail with my ads for the grocery stores in my area. So don’t throw away the ads! I live in Houston. I’m especially excited to use the $1 off Kraft Mac & Cheese 5 ct. at Target. The 5 ct. box is on clearance in the stock up sale area. I can’t remember the exact price but I saw it yesterday for a little ove $3. I have 4 kids and we go through mac & cheese like crazy!