OK guys! If you have your Nivea coupons form last week get them out! Grab a Safeway/Randalls ad, go to Walmart and price match the Nivea there for $1 each! Use the $3/2 coupon from the 10/2 Red Plum and get PAID $1 to take 2 out of the store! I love getting paid to take a product!
Buy 2 Nivea Chap Stick (price match to Randalls) 10 for $10
Use $3/2 Nivea coupon from 10/2 Red Plum
Total: FREE + $1 OVERAGE!
** There is also a $1 off that makes them free…. but I would rather make a $1!
Houstonmama says
Hi Tiffany! I tried to price match a Schick razor to Randalls ad two weeks ago at Target and was told that they wouldn’t price match it because ad read “card price”, so they won’t match a store loyalty card price. Do you know if it is the same or different at Walmart? Thanks.
Tiffany says
Walmart will do it!!
Gwen says
Target’s price match has more limitations/exclusions than any other store out there. They also won’t let you price match something you have a Target coupon for…or so they’ve told me. I would never bother price matching there again..every time I’ve tried has been a big disappointment. Just my 2 cents.
Houstonmama says
Gwen, I agree with you! I have had only BAD experiences price matching at Target (even though I love Target) and only GOOD experiences price matching at Walmart. So I definitely stick with Walmart for pm!
Couponingnewbie says
Good morning Tiffany, How do we know if the cashier gave us overage?
abby says
I went to walmart to price match the nivea lip care…. and the cashier only let me use one coupon, because in the fine print says “one coupon per shopping trip” mmm I was very sad, but I got 2 for FREE plus $1.0 overage.
Debbie says
Walmart will not allow you to use any coupons on items that they are price matching. I was told they stopped allowed the use of coupons because they are losing too much money with the price match deal. Coupons have nothing to do with them losing money because they get reimbursed by the manufacter- but I guess they don’t understand that. I was so disappointed that I’ve decided to just make the extra trip to the other store.
Tiffany says
Actually that is NOT true. You might have been told that at your store but you were missinformed by whoever said that. You can call corporate and ask them, but they DO take a coupon with a price match. 1-800-walmart. Walmart understands that there is no point to a pricematch if you can’t use a coupon. If that was the case than you would not shop walmart but the other store where you could use a coupon and get the sale price.
cory says
I was told today at Walmart that I can only use one like printable coupon in a transaction. Did not know this was so. Going to check their policy to see what it says exactly.
Tiffany says
No that is not in their policy.