How to Get Started with Essential Oils
Ready to get started with essential oils? The best way to purchase oils and to get the support that you need to be successful while using them is to become a wholesale member of Young Living. A wholesale membership is FREE and the only option that will give you 24% off retail price and it doesn’t even obligate you to make any future purchases if you don’t want to! I repeat – there is absolutely NO obligation to make any future purchases. Also, the best part of being a wholesale member is that you get access to Young Living’s Premium Starter Kit which is an absolutely incredible deal on everything you need to get started! Of course you can always join as a retail customer, but trust me, the wholesale membership is where all the savings are!
Selecting Your Starter Kit
There are several starter kits available through your Young Living wholesale membership, but the best value bar far is the Premium Starter Kit. It comes with $329 worth of products for just $150! That’s over 50% off! The premium kit comes with everything you’ll need to get started with essential oils: the Everyday Oils Collection with 11 of Young Living’s most popular oils, a Home Diffuser, 10 popular oil samples, 2 NingXia Red samples and 1 Roller Fitment.
Young Living also has starter kits for $40 and $75, but in my opinion, it is very worth it to get the Premium Starter kit. I’ve heard from several readers who went for the smaller starter kits and are now regretting not getting the premium one right away.
Head over to the Young Living page here and fill in your information.
*Be sure the “Wholesale Member” option is checked so that you don’t end up paying retail prices. This will allow you to save 24% off all your oils!
*Be sure the “sponsor ID” and “enroller id” say 2433172 (so that I can send you your freebies)!
*If you do not feel comfortable putting in your social security number (this is only for tax purposes if you decide to turn this into a business, Young Living is required by law to ask for it) then you can get an EIN from the IRS in just a few seconds here and use that number instead (the IRS just needs to be able to connect some number with you for tax purposes). The reason you are asked to list your social security number is for tax purposes. If you make over $600 per year selling Young Living products, you will receive a 1099 form in the mail, as is required by law. Young Living is a 20 year old company and will never share this info with anyone.
Select your starter kit. My recommendation is the Premium Starter Kit ($150). This kit comes with the oils that I use every single day and will qualify you for all of the freebies that I mention above!
Step 3 in the sign-up process is totally optional. Young Living offers an awesome program called Essential Rewards that allows us to earn free oils by earning points on products that we want to buy anyway. It also gives us reduced shipping!
Monthly bonus oils (OPTIONAL). If you would like to earn a free oil, then you’ll need to get your order total up to 190 PV (different products have different point values).
Finally, don’t forget to confirm your order! The tool will log you in (or you can go directly to, allow you to confirm your order again and you’ll need to enter your payment information again. Don’t miss this step or your order will not be confirmed!
:: Frequently Asked Questions ::
Do I have to sell Young Living Products to be a Wholesale member? I really just want to use the oils for myself.
Nope. There is ZERO obligation or pressure to sell anything even with a Wholesale membership. However, if you do change your mind, or if you end up with a friend or family member that wants to get started (this happens a lot) make sure to let me know so that I can help you get your referral link so you’ll get credit for them signing up.
Is their a monthly purchase requirement to have a Wholesale Account?
No, not at all. You can simply order what you need when you need it.
In order to keep your account active you just need to place one 50PV (Point Value) minimum order per year. If you happen to miss that deadline you can easily reactivate your account by calling Young Living Customer Care and placing a 100PV order. Easy as that!
Are there any other ways to save money on the oils?
Yes! Young Living has an incredible program called Essential Rewards that I use to earn FREE oils every month! The program also gives you reduced shipping and more.
Young Living also has monthly promotions and sales which enable you to build up your oil stockpile on a budget – woohoo!
Ok, that sounds neat? How do I join Essential Rewards?
Once you’ve signed up for your Wholesale Young Living Account using the steps above, let me know and I’d be happy to help you get started with Essential Rewards.
What kind of support do I get after joining Young Living through you?
Don’t worry – I will not leave you hanging or wondering how to get started! When you join as a Wholesale Member through me you’ll get access to the private Oily Family Facebook room. This community has thousands of members, is a perfect place to ask questions and is filled with tons of awesome information.
I have another question. What is the best way for me to ask it?
If there is anything else that I can help to answer for you please leave a comment below or e-mail me directly at mylitter (at) and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can. 🙂
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on this website. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.