Here is a list of Current Kroger Catalina Offers and Deals – These will be valid at most Kroger affiliated stores and many of them are valid at non Kroger stores as they are national Catalina offers.
Catalina Deals: When you buy the specific number of items required, after check out you get “cash back” in the form of a catalina or “register coupon” the long skinny coupons that the cashier hands you with your receipt. Treat this like cash as you can use it on whatever you want right away.
You can use coupons on the items you are getting a catalina back on. Also, you should only do the number of items required to get the catalina back and not multiple. For example: If you buy 2 Glade to get $1 back, you can’t buy 4 Glade in a transaction to get $2 back. You need to separate the transactions.
If your catalina doesn’t print: Go HERE and fill out the form.
Every now and then a catalina wont print, you can read my post HERE on what to do if that happens.
Please watch the valid dates, some of these are posted in advance! And before you shop, make sure to check out the current Kroger Deals and learn how to shop the Kroger Mega Sale.
If you see one in store while shopping or get notice of on at checkout that is not listed or post it to MyLitter on Facebook or comment on this page to share!
(Image not of current catalina)
*Current Catalinas*
Gerber 1st, 2nd or 3rd Baby Foods Products (Valid 4/16-5/13)
Buy 10-11, Get $1.00 Catalina
Buy 12-14, Get $2.00 Catalina
Buy 15 or More, Get$3.00 Catalina
Nestle Pure Life (8oz-24 ct+ and/or .5L multi-packs 24 ct+) (Valid 3/19-4/19)
Buy 2, Get $1.00 Catalina
Buy 3, Get $2.00 Catalina
Buy 4+, Get $3.00 Catalina