Working from home and having 7 kids home for the summer means I have to have a good plan to be organized. Having the kids home means it is much harder to get work done and keep the house clean. Which is not the worst thing in the world, as I really love the summer and having them home. It just means *I* need to be able to manage my time and their time better then normal.
I have done the “couch to 5k” running program a few times with the kids and I really enjoy it. It is exactly what it sounds like, it takes you from not running at all to running a 5k (or 3.1 miles) in 9 weeks.
This is a great program for kids. A few of my kids can already run a 5k, actually my 6 year old can, and some are really close. We go early in the morning, before it gets horribly hot. My kids are all required to do something for exercise each day, I don’t care what they do as long as they do it, so all but 1 went with me this morning. When we have done this in the past they all end up wanting to participate.
I printed off the schedule and laminated it (my laminator HERE). You can also download the app to your phone. Grab a stop watch and water bottle and get out there!
Lori S says
How did you get it to print like that across the whole page? I cannot seem to find where to download it. And on the website it’s really narrow.
Sarah says
What age would you recommend starting this with children? My 4-yo has been begging to go with me, but I’m concerned it would be a bit much for her tiny body to handle.
Melissa says
This looks like a great program for kids.