If you are new to cvs this week you can pick up from here. I will do two scenarios, one for beginners with no starting ECB’s and an advanced that will include the $4/$20 email sent out this past week (check your spam). I hope everyone has grabbed a Green Bag Tag and scanning it on every trip!
If you haven’t signed up to receive emails head over HERE to register your cvs card. Once signed up you’ll be sent a $4/$20 coupon via email. I also wanted to remind beginners to scan your CVS card at the red box. These are store coupons that will “stack” with your manufacturer coupons = extra savings!
You can go HERE and read my CVS 101 if you are new and have some questions and view the CVS weekly deals HERE.
***CVS beginners scenario will spend $7.26+ tax and save $27.49! Get $4 ECB’s for next weeks scenario. You’ll walk away with $34.75 worth of products!***
***CVS advanced scenario will spend $13.72+ tax and save $41.49! Get $6 ECB’s for next weeks scenario. You’ll walk away with $55.21 worth of products!***