This baby has nothing to do with the post, I just think he is darling….
Thankfully he has grown into his ears!
This is a question from Tracy:
So, you do shop with your binder? I am still embarrassed to pull out all of my coupons. I have been thinking about getting a binder, and this encourages me to go for it. Do people stare at you?
YES! I shop with my binder. I put it right up in the front of the cart where you would put a little one and buckle him in! Honestly, and this could be a post in itself, I am used to people staring at me when I shop because I have a lot of kids. But, in the beginning I was very embarrassed to be shopping with that many kids AND using coupons.
I also live in an affluent area. Let me assure you we do not qualify! But, for good and bad we happen to live in a very nice community. That being said, more and more people are learning the value of couponing. A few years ago no one would be caught dead in our Walmart shopping, let alone with coupons but I see more and more people everyday and MORE with binders of some sort.
At the grocery stores people are very curious, I ALWAYS get asked about my binder and the kids. I love it now, people are very impressed and I have had only positive coupon questions from people. Comments on the number of children I have on the other hand…
** If you are a single Woman and looking… I have more Men stop and talk to me and look through my binder than Women!! They are super curious and think it is brilliant to use baseball card holders! I have had men follow me around the store chatting about coupons and how they are interested and how they wish their wives would do it! They stay around and will watch me check out, it is really funny.
Like my husband always reassures me, who cares if they stare, you are the one saving the money you should be staring at them for being so dumb as to not be using coupons!
Are you ever embarrassed to use a binder?
laura B says
I had to comment because at first I was embarrassed about bringing in my big expanding file but after running back to the car to get some coupons after spotting a clearance item, I started bringing it in with me! And I totally stare at the person in front of me when they dont have any coupons and they are getting a cart full; it makes me want to pull them aside and try to pull some coupons for them! Couponing has saved our budget since gas has gone up and we havent gotten any raises for 3 years, our weekly grocery bill has come down from a couple hundred dollars a week to maybe $100 and that is only on major weeks where there are lots of sales! I am enjoying saving at least 50% on my shopping!
Amy says
I don’t use a binder very often. Mainly because I never know when my daughter is going to want to sit up front. I usually take an envelope with all my deals in order for the store I’m at. I also have extra coupons that I want to check out but may not use. There are times I wish I had all my coupons with me but most of the time it’s not a big deal. If I do find a deal I want, I take a pic on my phone and go home to look for coupons.
LN says
I am not embarrassed to shop with coupons. I sometimes have 2 binders with me! 1 for groceries and one for everything else. At the end of the week when I have to write checks for bills, it’s my name on the checks, not the people laughing becuase I’m using coupons. I am on my way to becoming 100% debt free, while they are still paying full price, buying expensive things trying to impress other people.Don’t be embarrassed. Be proud.
Sandy says
YES – YES – YES !!! Right there with ya!
Nilda R. says
I use to carry my binder with me until it got too heavy to carry. Now I just take what I’m going to use at a particular store.
Nicole says
I love your reply to that question!!!
Elizabeth says
Whether I use the binder depends on my mood, but usually I do take it with me. I’ve had two people within a week ask me coupon questions.
One gentleman asked if I watched ‘Extreme Couponing’ and we talked about our own savings and etc. Then I gave him your (Tiffany’s) webpage and told him that he HAD to check you out.
kelly d says it Tiffany, you are right, the comments I have gotten when having all 7 of my kids with me are wayyyy nastier than any comment about my binder!!people are mostly curious, if they are behind me when i check out they are impressed..but in the long run, it doesnt really matter to me what people think about my kids or my binder!!
Mel says
I would like to use a “mini” binder but can’t find the sheets to hold the coupon for that binder size.
I would love suggestions if anyone has any.
Sara says
Staples now has mini-binder sheets for couponing. They seem to be of good quality and I belief there is a 50% off coupons out there off of the binder pages right now.
pearl s. says
I used to use binders and it was just too big for me and I came out with a product that I try to sell around my place too. It is a wallet that have more pockets for a reasonable couponer , it is made of fabric so it does expand for however thick your coupons get and it look like a clutch bag that makes it look fashionable. Please the check the link below for pictures.
Diane M. says
I usually take my binder in, unless I’m running in for just a few things. I’ve always used coupons, but really became a “serious” couponer 2 years ago when my daughter started college. She used to be embarassed by my binder but her attitude has changed. She realizes now how expensive it is in the “real world”. She has even educated her roommate about coupons. Their favorite store is Target where they can stack, like the Dannon Activia recently.
Brittany says
I always take mine in, because you never know what unadvertised deal you will find. i would be embarassed if i was using a whole stack of coupons and holding up the line, but i usually don’t use loads at a time and avoid the busy times so its fine.
i am a little embarassed when a deal doesn’t work out like i planned and i sit there fumbling and they have to rescan/return things, but whatever. it happens.
cheryl says
Yes I take my coupons with me all the time. I always get stopped and asked if I coupon?” Duh” goes through my head as they can clearly see my binder.The next question is how much do I usually save a week. When my answer of 60% is given, a shocked looked usually appears. I have actually had people go in line behind me just to see my savings. I do agree, men usually have the most questions, followed by wishing their wife would clip. Couponing for me over the years has given my husband and I the flexability to use our money for more necessary bills and still have the groceries/personal items that are needed. Our son and daughter have had some medical needs that have totaled over $100,000(after insurance), but with couponing we will be completely debt free in 5 years!! That includes our mortgage too.
Hayley says
I’m definitely not ashamed to use coupons or bust out my binders (I have 2) when necessary!! We’re a family of 5, soon to be 6, so saving money is key in helping us to afford other things!! Today, while at Kroger, I had a woman who got a little irritated at my using coupons, but I saved $11 in coupons alone, so I was the one smiling there:-) While at Rite Aid today, a lady behind me watched me check out and when I only paid $3.10 for 6 bottles of shampoo, she asked the sales associate how I saved so much money! She then explained to her that I used my Wellness card and applied my +UP rewards from my first transaction to my second transaction! People may look at me funny at first, but if I can inspire one person to start saving their family more money, I’ll take the funny looks anyday!
Jaime says
I just want to know what’s with all these men who wish their wives would clip coupons? Why can’t they get out the scissors and clip for themselves? Since they’re already in the store asking you questions, obviously they do at least part of the shopping. Do they think they would be more embarrassed (to use coupons) than their wives? What gives?!
Nicole says
I LOVE taking my binder in the store with me! People ask lots of questions but I’m happy to share! I’ve even been guilty of price matching other peoples groceries for them at Wal-Mart while I’m in line. LOL! I just can’t pass up a good deal whether it’s mine or not!
Michael says
I am a husband and I do nearly all the shopping for my family groceries. I spent 3 years working for kroger in high school and i kind of have the grocery game figured out a little. I am no expert but I know more than my wife. She will not even look at a price half the time. She could care less because milk is milk, eggs are eggs, etc. There is a large stigma for men couponing. I am constantly ribbed by my friends about it and I always respond that they can continue to pay full price but i will not. Recently I attended a coupon class taught by Paul and I was the only male there with about 25 women. It is just not considered manly I guess. I even coupon for makeup for my wife and daughter, especially when CVS runs a clearance and i know their colors etc. It can feel awkward but I keep telling myself I am saving money and i always carry my binder with me everywhere..but i made sure to get a masculine black and silver binder instead of hot pink or purple 🙂
Tiffany says
Michael, you are awesome! I wonder where it started that people don’t think it is manly? That is really interesting, and although I think it is really stupid, I know that people see it that way.
Karen says
LOL. This made my day… I’m a beginner, so im just stalking this site and learning as much as I can.
Robin says
Tiffany I live/shop in the same area as you but I’m African American. Not sure if it makes a difference but I only get a few stares and typically it’s a compliment to my dedication and organization or how they wish they had the patience to do it. I’m normally so tunneled visioned to what I’m doing and uninterested in the people around me that if I do get negative stares I don’t even notice. And yes I use a binder.
Tiffany says
Yeah, what is that?! What a compliment from people for them to take the time to say that, I need to meet you in a store someday! I wonder {not that it really matters, but I think would be interesting to see} the break down of who coupons. Like male/female, age, race, etc. I am sure there are stats somewhere, I have never looked it up before.
Robin says
I am also known to be the coupon fairy. If I have a coupon expiring that I’m not going to use and I see someone buying that item I’ll give it to them. I cringe when they come in about to pay full price. I’ve made a few people’s days especially when I’ve given away some BOGOs.
Roseviolet says
Heck, I bring in a 15lb 15X 22 in container full of coupons every where I go. It’s my American Express, I don’t leave home without it! I can’t do binders, to time consuming for me. I use envelopes inside plastic envelopes. As for when I’m in line, I give customers behind me a heads up. 99% are grateful-and leave, the others stay and watch the savings.
sharlene says
my binder is my right arm. I get stopped alot in the stores and asked all kinds of questions about it . I refer them to your website and leave them a few coupons. Never leave home without it.
Shelly A says
Im only 20 years old and I coupon..Being in college and living on my own gets super expensive! At first I figured people would look at me like im crazy being so young and walking around with a huge binder! But I actually get more compliments on how smart it is, and how they wish their college kids would do it! I have kept all my reciepts since January and have saved well over $900 on groceries & household products. Im proud to show my stockpile off 🙂 Im getting my 3o yr old sister, and mom started on it!
Jaime says
Way to go Shelly A! Keep up the good work. A $900 saving in just under 5 months is fenominal.
Lori says
I used to be embarrassed but now I am so proud of the money I am saving my family. It was uncomfortable at first but you get used to it. Like Tiffany, I get more questions of interest than strange looks. I once had an elderly lady stop, look at me for a moment and said “You are a smart girl!” as she walked by. Maybe she knows how pinching pennies in her younger years might have made her golden years a little more golden? I once had a young couple whisper, snicker and stare at my binder at the grocery checkout. They were buying food and beverage for a single meal. When they are trying to manage a household of five on one income, they will get it.
sara says
I myself and my husband use to be embarrassed, to use 2 coupon binders one is for food and the other is for house hold items, I carry the two zip up binders in a bag I bought from target when all the school supplys went on sale it is easy to take out and easy to carry. I Never leave home without it, my husband even carrys it for me sometimes WOW! We both don’t even pay attention to what people have to say or the LOOK they give. We too are almost debt free and are now planning our very first big family trip to Florida to Disney World. Couponing has made a big difference. No shame ladys and gentlemen help others if they ask, and if someone says something negative kill it with Kindness. We are all saving to benefit our familys smile.
Ashley says
So true about the guys! I’m 24 and loving the fact that I have been stopped by more than a few good looking men who want to know more about my binder : )
SusanJ says
My husband does most of the grocery shopping for our family of 7. He won’t use a binder but he will pull out all the coupons he plans on using from my binder before he heads to the store. He used coupons 20 years ago when we were dating in college.:)
Pam says
I’m never embarrassed to use my binder but I do get a little “testy” when people assume I work at the store simply because I have a binder in my cart. Numerous people will stop and ask me “where can I find _____?” When I respond that I do not know and I continue with my shopping, they really get confused. They look at me like I am the worst possible associate in the world and they get a defensive attitude and ask “well, don’t you work here?!?!” When I respond that I do not, they look at me as if they don’t believe me and then angrily walk away. All because of a little binder.
Nancy says
I have tried every method of coupon organization since I started seriously using coupons a year ago. I like the binder method, however I would never bring mine into the store (this is due to the fact that I have only ever seen 3 people in my life using a binder in my area (MA)). Also, one time when I was shopping at Wags there was a woman there with a binder and I heard one associate call her “The Hoarder” to another employee! I was mortified for this poor woman! I think binders are cool and I would love to use one, but I will admit I am a tad bit embarrased so I use 2 big accordian style check-size holders. One for food items, the other for non-food, and both fit in my purse. Maybe some day I will put on my “big girl pants” and start a binder fad in my area 🙂
Mary says
I LOVE my binder. I stare at those that have there coupons in some bag or box. You would not believe some of the things some people use. I like just flipping to a section and look down and there is the coupon I need. So EASY. In fact I have two binders and take care of both.