Thanks to Money Saving Mom and Cincinnati Coupons, tomorrow (Wednesday August 4, 2010) at 1:30 pm EST will be selling Luvs diapers for $11 per box. I am not familiar with this site, but it is a killer deal on diapers so I am willing to take a look!
Sizes 2, 3, 4, and 5 will be available and there will be a limit of three boxes per household.
Size 2 – 4 Jumbo packs each pack contains 42 diapers for a total of 168 diapers, $.065 a diaper
Size 3 – 4 Jumbo packs each pack contains 36 diapers for a total of 144 diapers, $.076 a diaper
Size 4 – 4 Jumbo packs each pack contains 31 diapers for a total of 124 diapers, $.088 a diaper
Size 5 – 4 Jumbo packs each pack contains 27 diapers for a total of 108 diapers, $.101 a diaper
This deal is first-come, first-served and will likely sell out quickly.