There are 3 REALLY Barilla and Sargento cool coupons that you can print under zip code 30303 and look under “food.” These say Redeem at Publix, and I can’t print them to see what they say when you print them, so there is the possibility that you can use them at other stores besides Publix if you don’t have one.
The Barilla ones are especially good because I believe it is on sale at Randalls this week!
Brittney says
They say redeem at publix, but it say manu q on it. there is only the small barcode
Tiffany says
Thanks for letting us know!
Kristi says
Hey, I printed these coupons and they are manufacturers coupons. I used them at my Bi-Lo with a sale on the Barilla pasta and I didn’t have any problem using them.
marlene says
as long as it does not say redeem at pulbix ONLY your good to go.
Lisa says
I printed these today, and there is no bar code at all on the Sargento coupon. What is going on?
Tiffany says
I am not sure. Was there NO barcode at all or just the smaller one?
Lisa says
Tiffany, there was NO barcode at all. I’ve never had that happen before.
Tiffany says
Wow I am not sure. I have had someone say that a few months ago, I am not sure why it happens every now and then…