Really? Really Tide???? You have the corner on the laundry detergent market, people STEAL your detergent and you only offer a $.20 off coupon?????
Dear Marketing Genius at P&G,
Offering consumers $.20 off a $12 bottle of Tide is a really ineffective marketing tool. It actually just makes us mad. It also makes us more willing to try the OTHER brands that are cheaper and offer a MUCH higher value coupon, making the overall price over 50% less than Tide. With the rising gas prices and overall rise in groceries, dropping the value on coupons does not make any sense. You are also actually hurting the grocery stores that you partner with. I can get the same Tide online at Amazon, cheaper, no TAX, and get it shipped free to my home. Why would I want to spend the time and money to go to the grocery store with a $.20 coupon? Apply this to all the products that you offered PATHETIC coupons for this weekend.
A old Tide, P&G product customer, NEW other brands customer!
l says
Lol love it, you tell ’em! More bad news, saw on the news last night Amazon must now charge its Texas customers tax! Boo hiss! There is an upside they will reopen the Texas DC and employee 2500 Texans.
Pat says
I concur wholeheartedly! I have stopped purchasing Tide since the coupons have become rediculously low. My husband stopped itching once I switched to Purex free & clear instead of the Tide free & gentle. Much cheaper even without a coupon and washes the clothes just fine. Our children are grown and gone so can’t attest to cleaning a child’s clothes. Now if I could only find the dryer sheets I would be thrilled.
Jillian says
I don’t even cut the 20 cent coupons … it’s not worth the energy I use to move my fingers, let alone go to the store & BUY that item! I’ll take the $1/1 All or Wisk coupons, combine them with the usual $3.99 sale, and get detergent for $2.99. Now THAT’S worth it. Also, the 20 cent Covergirl item Q last month … I scoffed at that. Unbelievable.
tanya says
Exactly to everything said above!
lori says
Thank you! I almost said the same thing in my coupon preview post. Coupons are suppose to appeal to people who want to save money. Creating super low value coupons only reminds us how much we are SPENDING on their products. Insulting. Hopefully nobody will use these coupons and then they’ll get the message.
Elizabeth says
What about the .25 and .30 coupons too? I cut them out in hopes of catching a store that doubles or even triples. I wish all coupons were .50 and over.
Nicole Cooper says
I agree wholeheartedly, makes me mad when the P&G coupons are so bad – also when mfgs offer a lame coupon and then it’s off 2. Just make a reasonable coupon for buying 1 not 2 of something!!
April says
Yep, don’t waste time cutting low coupons. I was a die hard tide fan, but I think I’m going to move to the Arm and Hammer packs. I used my free pack and loved them! Cheaper than Tide without a coupon!
lili says
Lucky for me i do not use Tide anymore since i started using coupons. I grew up with Tide and when i was on my own i always used Tide, too. Couponing has allowed me to try new detergents that i like as well or better than Tide.
Christy says
Couldn’t have said it better myself! It is actually an insult to people who use coupons to shop. $.20?? What a waste of a coupon. P & G products are more expensive than other products on the market, and I will definetely be shopping around for other products that are cheaper and that I can use the higher value coupons the other companies put out. Did anyone forward this awesome post to P & G???
Amanda V says
Wow, I’m so glad that I no longer have to deal with this! Seriously look into making your own detergent. We initially invested $10 in a box of borax and a box of washing soda (we had bar soap in our stock pile). It’s now a year later and only half of the boxes are gone! That’s $5 a year I spend on laundry detergent! Can’t be beat. And it only takes about 30 minutes every month or so to make a new batch. LOVE IT!
Jaime says
I switched to Arm & Hammer about 2 years ago and my only reason for doing so was the price. Where I live a big bottle of Tide sells for any where between $18.00 and $24.00. The same quantity of Arm & Hammer costs about $9.00 (sometimes they run sales on the smaller bottles for $2.00, so I buy 3 smaller for $6.00 and the quantity of 3 smaller bottles is the same as 1 big bottle so it is like getting a big bottle for $6.00). So instead of buying 1 big bottle of Tide I can get 2 or 3 or sometimes even 4 big bottles of Arm & Hammer for the same price.
Shelley says
Amen! Well said!
Loretta Brady says
I couldn’t agree more!
allison says
I toally agree! A $0.20 coupon is ridiculous!
karen says
Insulting!!! I cant believe I refused to buy anything other than tide for years, I have been hooked cuz it smells so good. NOT worth it anymore. The coupons were never that good anyway, but 20 cents is just down right insulting. I will now be taking advantage of other laundry deals and save more money. Tide can keep their 20 cent coupon.
Kristi D. says
My sentiments exactly! Wow and I thought the coupons were bad in the last insert…guess I don’t have much to look forward to tomorrow. What are they thinking????
Lisa says
I just read today that P&G’s profits are down due to their recent price increases. They are planning on lowering their prices in order to increase their market share:
When I read this, I told my husband it may be too late. Most of us have already switched to other brands that we now like just as well, or better. Looks like I’m not the only one!
Tiffany says
Wow, thank you for the article. Very good reading!
Momthree says
Wow! I never thought about this. Have always been die hard Tide user. Guess when I was growing up there weren’t that many choices. But I now also plan to give other detergents a try. Especially if it saves me money! I will say my kids love the Gain apple mango. It smelled great! Thanks for everything you do Tiffany and for all those who commented. Really opened my eyes!
Meshell says
My thoughts exactly!! When I seen the coupon I was like y even bother!!
Pat says
Awesome post and totally agree! Tiffany – has this been sent to P&G?
cookinmom says
It really is an insult to our intelligence! Thank God I’m not brand loyal! That goes for dish detergent, tp, etc. as well.
Annette says
ana says
on the cvs ad it also mentions a .20 cent coupon for dawn, did anyone see it cuz there was no coupon in my p&g. was that a typo?
roseviolet says
cheri says
I think we should ALL copy and forward to P&G! Wouldn’t it be rich for them to get a ton of these. Still probably wouldn’t make any difference……
Sorry Tiffany – LOVE YOU and your site, but once that unrealistic show came out and it brought the rude idiots out of the woodwork who don’t know what they’re doing…. EVERYTHING has changed and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Kroger stopped doubling, coupon values have gotten PATHETIC, and I’m just waiting for Albertson’s to quit. YOU do it right, but so many others on the show don’t, and it’s made people think they can go and get everything (not just certain items per week) for free. And when they can’t, yell at the cashiers, etc.
SO sad it hurts ALL of us – especially those of us who use(d) them for charity! It’s alot easier to be generous with .10 can of veggies than with $1.10 ones!.. and as I told Kroger, when people ask for help, I’ll just tell them I’m sorry, but I can’t as before since Kroger quit doubling, but, hey, I get .10/gal of gas off! WOO-HOO!