If you are not sure if you want to get a Sunday paper this week take a look at some of the coupons that you can get! Thanks to Samantha!
The Smart Source that I got has a coupon for a FREE 2 liter Dr. Pepper 10 in it. I have been getting this for a few weeks now ( I am a Dr. Pepper Fiend!) and REALLY like it! I think better than Coke Zero and waaaayyyy better than Pepsi One.
This coupon is going to ROCK at Walmart. These are generally priced at $3 a box if your store carries them. If they don’t look for a grocery store to have a sale, which they do often, and mark them for $3! SWEET! This one was in the Smart Source as well.
Finally, how about another FREE pack of razors?! Walmart carries a 10 pack disposable for $1.97! This coupon will not give you cash back but it will make them free!
Darby says
My wal-Mary is having major issues having the $1.97 disposable razors in stock. There isn’t even a spot for them. ??
beka says
Mime too. They haven’t had any in stock since those coupons came out!
alisha says
Mine too. And the same with the tide trial sizes. Its actually quite frustrating because I use those for care packages.
Jocelyn Alvarez says
I got my SS for this week coming and didnt get the dr.pepper, but i’m buying the paper tomorrow and maybe, hopefully will get that one..
KC says
FYI for the $4 coupon I was really excited for it thinking I was going to get overage at Walmart but this Q is for the dog food that happens to be a premium dog food and the smallest size is $6.48 per bag (3.5 lbs) which it’s a good price with the Q, the cat is the one that it’s $2.97 per box.
Angela O says
Same here =( I was excited about getting a great deal on dog food only to discover I would still be paying $2.48. After doing some multiplication, I realized it may be a good deal but it is still more expensive than I pay for their regular dog food =(
Terrie says
I just want people to know in Beaumont-Lumberton area some or most good inserts are nor coming in the Chronicle. Today when I went to get mine the storekeeper said they called the Chronicle and they had caught the delivery man selling the inserts..funny though they didn’t fire him and told the store they had no way of keeping track of the inserts once they left the factory,Today he was a little smarter..put 1 insert,the smart source in the Chronicle and the Red Plum in the Beaumont paper. I think we all need to call the Chronicle when this happens or it will never stop.
kathleen says
Got my coupons today. Looked in the Smart Source coupons, no Dr. Pepper coupons. What is on the opposite side of the coupon?
Tiffany says
It was a TGI Friday’s add on the other side
Roni says
I live in Northern CA. None of our local papers or the Sac Bee had coupons!!!!! NONE and I went to 6 different store when they first opened. I finally got the SF chronicle which was way more money but had the inserts. Well guess what? The local delivery guy doesn’t deliver the SF chronicle now it makes me really wonder what’s happening to all the inserts?????
Lena says
Just FYI- if you want to find out what newspaper your Red Plum insert can be found in for your area, go to http://www.valassis.com and click on the Corporate link near the top. On the next page there is a link you can click on to enter your address and it will tell you what paper it is in. I work for the shared mail division of Valassis and we use that link to help people locate the red plum in their area. Also, sometimes there are insertion errors or copy shortages which can result in missing inserts (or double insertion in some cases) so it isn’t always someone taking them.
David Durr says
I also had lots of inserts missing from my papers today. I bought 5 papers at a neighborhood Wal-mart, all 5 were missing Red Plum, and 1 was also missing the Smart Source. So I paid $10 for 4 SS Inserts. 🙁
I e-mailed Doug as Tiffany suggested in a seperate post, and I will be calling tomorrow, just to bring a little attention to the issue. If enough people are complaining, well….”the squeaky wheel gets the grease.”
Amber says
We never get any of the good stuff where I’m located (Central GA). My SS didnt contain the Dr Pepper or the Schick coupon!
cathy says
I live in indy and had no sets of coupons in it all. So very upset with things
Miss Vicki says
I purchase 10 Houston Chronicles each week at the 99 Cent and more store and I always!!! check each pape for the inserts. I stand out of the way of shoppers and go through each paper to make sure no one has felt the need to rip off the coupon inserts. They usually have a great supply on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Just make sure you look through your paper before you purchase.
Beth in OH says
It flippin’ figures! I briefly glanced in the Sunday paper to see if there were any Purina One coupons, and didn’t see any. I had to buy dog food that day, and the Purina One Beyond is the food I now feed her. If only I had looked carefully! Oh well, I’ll just pick up a couple bags this Saturday. : )